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Cookies (cookies)

The website uses cookies. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies.

From time to time, the Mepratuote website may store information known as cookies on your computer, which, among other things, allows us to identify you, provided that you have given your consent to the storage of cookies on your computer or other device, for example by opting-in or changing your browser settings.

Cookies are now commonly used on websites. Cookies make it easier for you to shop online, provide information about how and when you use the site and help us to improve the site to provide a better service.

7897897897Such tools include social media embeds on websites or social media sharing and liking functionalities. Such third-party plug-ins may also collect information from users of online services, for example to recommend content or track visitor numbers.

The data collected can be used for analytics and marketing targeting. Cookies make it easier for users to use our services and make the marketing presented more relevant.

If you do not want to receive cookies, you can block them by selecting the setting in your browser to block cookies. However, disabling cookies may affect the proper functioning of the services and prevent you from using certain services of the online store, such as adding products to your shopping list or shopping cart and making payments. Cookies are a technical solution for implementing browser and web server communication protocols, and our website may not function properly without cookies.

Some third party tools or plug-ins are mandatory for the operation of the service. You can disable certain third-party advertising cookies on the third-party administration pages of your browser.

The settings for the cookie function can be found in the browser settings menu (for example, show cookies, allow cookies, disable all or certain cookies and opt-out). For more information on browser-specific instructions, please refer to your browser manufacturer's instructions.

List of cookies used on the website



